This video of a dog in an MRI is the best
Aug 30, 2016
Can you even? Because I can't even.
Source article includes a bonus pic of a Golden Retriever who looks like a VERY good boy.
Can you even? Because I can't even.
Source article includes a bonus pic of a Golden Retriever who looks like a VERY good boy.
Yep I love the Olympics it's the only time all countries come together to compete! I love it!!
— Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) August 6, 2016
This morning Emily sent me this New York Times article, a 2,000-word examination of leotard sparkles. In case you were wondering:
In 2008, when Nastia Liukin won the gold medal in the individual all-around competition at the Olympics in Beijing, her leotard had 184 crystals on it.
This year, many of the Team USA leotards will have close to 5,000 Swarovski crystals each.
In other words, Sparkle is the currency of gymnastic performance and its inflation rate is a billion percent.
Just another day at the office.
This article has so many choice quotes that I'm not even sure what to do with them all, but here are some key points:
“It’s difficult for me to imagine how we could get more crystals on,” said Kelly McKeown, executive vice president for design and corporate relations at GK Elite, the official outfitter of the American national gymnastics team. This Olympics, “we may have hit peak crystal.”
Peak crystal? Doubt it. Something tells me future sparkle analysts will chuckle at the naivety of this statement . . .
“In the early 1990s, the U.S. team always wore white, because Martha wanted to show off their six-packs,” Ms. McKeown said (referring to abs, not beer).
Incidentally, white is also a great way to display what beer has done to your body.
This autumn, Mr. Wellhoefer said, Swarovski will introduce a new crystal product, called a Concise Crystal, that is 50 percent lighter than previous stones, allowing for even more encrustation and refractory gleam. “We’re in a crystal arms race,” Mr. Wellhoefer said.
Additional evidence that we have NOT reached peak crystal yet. In fact, this may only be the beginning.
I'm going to stop writing photo titles now because it's getting out of hand.
Perfection, thy name is carefully painted man strands of ombre splendor.
Between the hair (that HAIR) and the white jacket/red bow tie, Leto looks like a caterer in HEAVEN serving crust-less half-sandwiches of world peace.
I may update this post with more comprehensive Oscar fashion commentary IF I can get myself to stop cruising internet black markets for LetoHair sweaters.
The Budweiser "Puppy Love" Commercial, embedded below, is regarded by many as the best commercial of the 2014 Superbowl. Please watch it if you haven't already:
Reviews were universally positive.
Budweiser's 'Puppy Love' Ad Wins Super Bowl Viewers' Hearts
"Puppy Love," Budweiser's latest sentimental spot to use a cute dog and photogenic Clydesdales to sell beer, won USA Today's annual Super Bowl Ad Meter.
"Never mind that it aired with just two minutes left in a dog of a game," USA Today writes, the ad "about a spunky puppy who is adopted but keeps coming back home to the Clydesdale horse it loves" scored highest with the newspaper's online audience of 6,272 voters.
The commercial, which Budweiser had put online last week, had been a pregame favorite to win viewers' hearts. After all, a similar spot won last year's Ad Meter.
. . . etc etc. Which is cool, except the commercial is a completely messed up tale of one man's personal tragedy. In order to understand this, you simply have to view the commercial without the scenes with the puppy and horse together--in other word's, from a human point of view.
Let's take a look.
Check back later--I will be posting a 2014 Globes red carpet review in less than half the time it takes for Jacqueline Bisset to walk to the stage.
Continued from Part 1 and Part 2
So. We've done the good and the bad; time for the in-betweens.
Sandra Bullock
Not bad in the full length, but can I get a zoom? For science?
SAAAAANDY. The Queen of England called. She wants her diamond-encrusted Bluetooth back.
Jennifer Anniston
She looks frozen in time, and I mean that in the good way and the bad way. Jennifer mayyyyy have accepted the Gwyneth Paltrowian deal with the devil where you can stop aging if you also arrest your personal sense of style at the same point in time. (Fortunately for Jen, she has a much more timeless sensibility than Gwyneth does.)
Reese Witherspoon
Great hair, but meh on the dress. I think I would have preferred it without the black.
Jennifer Hudson
People loved this, but it just wasn't my bag. I know I'm in the minority, and I can't even really explain why I don't like it (some kind of reptilian/Flintstonian vibe I can't quite articulate), but every now and then, you disagree with one of the universal faves. This was one of those times.
Jennifer Lawrence
While I'm completely losing you, I'll go ahead and throw it out there that I didn't love Jennifer's look. I know. Don't murder me. I like her. And it was a big night in a big year for J-Law. Good for her. However, neither the hair nor the dress felt spectacular to me. They weren't bad--just not my favorite look of hers. But there's no denying she was queen of the night.
Forgot to put her under best dressed, but this woman really needs her own category anyway. She's wearing SNEAKS. And that furry thing. She's to die for.
So that's that. Your comments are, per ALWAYS AND FOREVER, welcomed.
Continued from Part 1
We've discussed the winners. Time for . . .
Anne Hathaway
Uh, yeah, I hate Anne Hathaway, and yeah, it's just personal. Sorry. Them's the breaks. Regardless, this was a no. In her red carpet interview, Anne joked that the (backless) dress was "business in the front; party in the back." A great follow-up question would have been to ask what business emphasizes awkwardly drawing everyone's eyes to your nipples all night long/forever.
Anyway. Didn't like the color, didn't like the neckline/necklace, still don't like Anne.
Halle Berry
I will admit that this is the best-case scenario for what you get when you say "Beetlejuice" three times.
Helen Hunt
Helen Hunt made a statement by wearing a gown from the H&M Conscious Collection. Appreciate the idea behind it, but, uh, it doesn't look good. I totally emphathize, though, because everything I have ever bought from H&M has ended up fitting improperly and wrinkling instantaneously.
Kristen Chenoweth
The personality of a teenager aggressively campaigning for Homecoming Queen combined with Disney villain styling. Weird that that didn't work.
This is also the first of several high buns I hated.
Salma Hayek
Here is Bun of Death #2. I know this crazy "turtleneck made out of Reese's Cup wrappers" thing doesn't leave many hair options, but the dark bun is just way too severe here.
Renee Zellweger
The dress wasn't all that bad., although it was not my cup of tea and it definitely washed her out. But I hate the hair.
Brandi Glanville (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills)
OK, so a D-lister dressing badly for attention is the oldest trick in the red carpet book, but what can I say? I like low-hanging fruit. It is, at least, much better than fruit that has been awkwardly smushed upwards at a painful angle . . .
Kristen Stewart
K-Stew actually ended up on a lot of best-dressed lists with this, but C'MAN. She showed up on crutches, her hair was a mess, she glowered through her turn presenting and had a huge bruise on her arm. So yeah, nice dress, but I'm over this low-energy sourpuss and it's gonna take way more than White Swan to change that.
Amanda Seyfriend
This was a bit predictable--it echoed some of her recent looks--and the hair is approaching the preliminary Bride of Frankenstein warning zone. When you combine that with the automatic 5 point SO SICK OF LES MIS deduction I factored in, it's straight to the bottom for Ms. Seyfried.
Amy Adams
It's probably harsh to put her in Worst Dressed, but I think she's lovely and was disappointed with the blah color and last-season trend of whatever that huge, tulle-ified skirt is called.
Zoe Saldana
I like that she takes risks, but sometimes risks don't pay off. A belt that looks like it has your high school diploma tucked into it falls firmly into the category of "not paying off."
Next up: Part 3