Because Kelly Has Requested I Do More Posts with Crappy Pencil Drawings
You Know You Can No Longer Put Off Grocery Shopping When Your Lunch Looks Like This


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yeah, but you can always wrap them around your finger in important editor-in-chief-magazine-business-meetings. that's totally acceptable/professional.


haha yes, as we have learned from the groundbreaking film '13 Going on 30'


or you could stop eating fruit roll ups in fifth grade like the rest of us.

Buddy Love

Damn, Caitlar! Why the hate?

I don't know if Buddy Love wants to BE like the rest of you if you can't handle a lick-a-licious, stick to the roof of yo mouf, make ya feel alright fruit roll up!

Chill yo self out! Ya digg?


I'm sorry Buddy Love, maybe i've just had some very traumatic experiences with fruit roll ups and i have hard feelings towards them. not only do they stick to the roof of your mouth, but if you try to roll it in a ball and eat the whole thing at once, it also can get caught in your throat. OKAY?


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