Recent Awkward Moment, Written in the Present Tense So You Can Feel the Uncomfortableness Right Along With Me
Nov 28, 2007
At the grocery store, I am standing and staring blankly and intensely at nothing in particular as I wait to pay for my groceries. I'm fidgety, so I begin to crack my knuckles. One of them stubbornly refuses to pop, so I employ the motion I always do when this happens: I make a fist with that hand and then repeatedly pound it against the palm of my other hand a few times.
Suddenly, I become aware of the fact that two lines over (in the general direction I am staring in), a young woman with a baby is looking at me with a mix of terror and confusion. I realize she thinks I have been staring at her, but I don't get why she looks so afraid. Then I realize that the motion I am using to crack my knuckles is the exact same as the menacing motion the bad guys in movies usually make when they are threatening to punch someone.
Please tell me I am not the only person who goes into the store to buy Pop Tarts and ends up borderline assaulting women and small babies.
you are not the only person who goes into the store to buy pop tarts and ends up borderline assaulting women and small babies
Posted by: EmGusk | Nov 30, 2007 at 09:10 PM
can't you twirl your hair around a finger like other women do? ;-)
Posted by: Ordinary Janet | Dec 06, 2007 at 10:36 PM