Things the New Pepsi Logo Reminds Me of, In Order of Resemblance
Oct 29, 2008
This is the new Pepsi can:
This is the new Pepsi can:
Big, masculine electronic stores can be scary. Wood paneling can help.
At least, that appears to be the theory behind the design and marketing of Colorado's newest Best Buy store, which opened earlier this month in Aurora and was designed to attract more female customers. According to this article, here are some of the features of the new store:
Finally, a Best Buy that caters to women! I am so tired of all the
masculine Best Buys in my area, with their cold, impersonal displays
and male-centered design. I mean, it's ridiculous! Recently, it has
gotten to the point where if I want to go pick up the latest Celine
Dion album, Hello Kitty camera, or pink iPod, I have to navigate
through rows of scary, confusing metal shelves and treacherous gray
carpets to do so. I am thrilled that Best Buy has finally addressed this problem.
What I don't understand is, why did the Aurora Best Buy stop at just these small changes? I think they missed a big opportunity to be even more female-friendly. Take this "private room for new mothers." I've never had a kid myself, but my guess is that new moms are pretty busy and might not have time to go shopping for electronics--that is, unless they can give birth INSIDE Best Buy! A Best Buy Birthing Suite--think of the possibilities! "Walk in with a placenta, leave with a plasma," promotion, anyone?
Best Buy also needs to step up the training they are giving their employees. "More eye contact" is just a tiny start; in addition, I think Best Buy they should learn to do all sorts of female-friendly things, like hand out tissues to ladies who might get teary-eyed when they catch a glimpse of the DVD box for Stepmom, or offer us Tic-Tacs if we do smart things like understand what the computer salesman is telling us.
In short, Best Buy, I think you're off to a good start, but you could do much more to make women like your store. Feel free to steal a couple of my ideas.
Iiiiiiiit's liiiiink time!
If you could be anyone from this vintage Capri Sun ad, who would you be and why?
Continue reading "Hahahahahahaha" »
Well, that was a week. Links:
Enjoy the weekend, and don't change your name to anything stupid.
Hot tip: the language section of is sorta sweet. I was alerted to this fact when a friend e-mailed me with the startling information that the phrase many of us wrongly understand to be "just desserts" is actually "just deserts." Read the Snopes explanation here.
Further perusal of the site reveals more linguistic fun; for example, have you ever heard of the (non-) word "dord?" And did you know that nobody really knows how the Crips got their name?