Can I Interest You In a Jar of PLEASE GOD WHY
Nov 18, 2008
In my mind I have this running list of shops I will not enter unless they are absolutely swarmed with customers. All of the stores on this list (which includes such popular mall favorites as Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret, the shoe department at Nordstrom, and any perfume counter anywhere on Earth) have one thing in common: their salespeople have been trained in the art of what I like the call The Sales Pitch of Earnest Desperation. This is when, upon entering the store, you are immediately accosted by an overly effusive sales associate offering to Help You With Anything You Need, Seriously, Just Ask, My Name's Jennifer and I'll Be, Well, Hovering Right Beside You Until You Decide Things Are Too Awkward and Then Sneak Out of the Store.
Everybody has their own way of dealing with these people; some ignore them, others tell them to f*ck off, and still others will politely keep repeating, "No, thanks, I'm fine," for the duration of their visit. However, I do not know of a single person who will turn to the lady in Bath & Body Works and say, "You know what? You can help me! I am new to this planet and its concepts of grooming, bathing, and perfuming. Furthermore, the layout of this store confuses me. Why does this bottle of lotion have a picture of a pear on it, while this one features an image of a rose?"
So if nobody out there is looking for this suffocating level of "service," why does it continue to exist? This is what I have been pondering for the past two days after a particularly disastrous encounter with an overzealous Lush employee. I would describe her pathetic sales pitch in detail, but a.) to relive that encounter would be to risk a brain hemorrhage, and b.) I am already getting the evil eye from the person behind me in line to use this hotel's computer; instead I will just ask, "WHY? Why won't they leave us alone?" Leave your theories in the comments.
I totally agree with that is a wrong way to get you buy something, it's more, if they come and after you tell them I'm just watching, they dont leave me or i feel watched I decide to go out the store.
Normally the sellers are pressured by their bosses to get sales or seeking bonuses because their salary is bullshit without extras. There are other corporations that prefer to wait until you need their help or advice, which I prefer.
Great question!
PD: the other day i went to victoria secrets with my friends (girls)(is a problem when i want say girlfriends without say my girlfriend...u know???)and we can watch and the sellers was waitting in the cash machine
Posted by: Pablo G. Valero | Nov 19, 2008 at 09:06 AM
Because then these people with crazy genes won't have anyone else to bother! Think about it, what kind of people enjoys doing this form of unhealthier stalking? What insane force keeps you smiling at people that you know won't buy anything and even worse, that hate you? (Sadface!)
The world would be a scarier place if these types of humans were doing other things, like, um, picking up your garbage...
"Hi good morning! I'm Jane, the garbage lady. Hey, you look awesome today. What can I do for you (besides the obvious)? Can I interest you in some new garbage bags? These are sooo good. Hey are you throwing that pizza away for someone in particular? Do you think they'd like it? How about this instead....?"
Posted by: Jocelyn | Nov 19, 2008 at 12:37 PM
In defense of Bath & Body Works employees, there are plenty of people should say, "You know what? You can help me! I am new to this planet and its concepts of grooming, bathing, and perfuming. Furthermore, the layout of this store confuses me. Why does this bottle of lotion have a picture of a pear on it, while this one features an image of a rose?"
Of course, there is also the fact that these people do not shop at Bath & Body Works to consider...
Posted by: Michael | Nov 19, 2008 at 12:55 PM
The pushiness of the VS girls actually caused my friend, who was seriously intent on buying to some underwear, to put down the merchandise she was considering, and walk out, for sheer claustrophobia. I think we were asked if we needed help no less than 7 times in a span of 5 minutes. This is especially awkward in VS where you are trying to buy something very personal--underwear, bras, lingerie--and can be potentially embarrassing. "I see you're looking at some black lace thongs. I didn't think 'slut' when you walked in. Are you sure you don't want to check out our granny-panties on sale?"
Posted by: Caitlar | Nov 20, 2008 at 10:03 AM
I used to work at the Limited, which is in the same corporate family as VS and BBW. The entire Limited corp. focuses pretty heavily upon "customer service" which they define as engaging all people who walk into the store, and which you accurately define as obnoxious. In my experience, the ratio of annoyed people to clueless people is suprisingly low (like, 2:1). Most associates pretty accurately pick up on the "I-hate-talking-to-strangers-and-am-capable-of-choosing-my-own-goods" vibe, but with so many associates in a store it's likely you'll get bothered by multiple people.
Posted by: The Mayor | Nov 20, 2008 at 10:55 PM