This Week In Internet: A Day Late, But You Were Trick or Treating Anyway
Democracy and Me: A Look Back

Teenage Mutant Ninja Pancake

If I hadn't already picked the name Pancake years in advance, my dog could very well have been named Splinter, since he bears a striking resemblance to Master Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Multiple people pointed this out to me when I got him last year--it's something in the whiskers, methinks.
So anyway, this year I decided Pancake would be Master Splinter for Halloween.  Since I can't sew, Etsy seller fancyguppy made me an amazing, perfectly Pancake-sized costume.  Pictures are below:

IMG_8422  IMG_8425


I also have Halloween pictures of my actual human friends, and I will upload a Flickr set of those as soon as I finish sorting through them and determining which are scary in a good way, and which are scary in a "double-chins and wonky eyes" way.


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What a perfect costume!


OMG love it!

P.S. Write a guest post for Who's Your Dachshund!



teenage mutant ninja turtle

Awesome post!! this dog looks too gorgeous. her name is too beautiful. meanwhile i have read your whole passage. it's too cute.

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