2009 Grammy Fashion Recap
This Week In Internet: Early Edition

One-Year Nephew Update, Plus Some Other New Pics

My nephew turned one yesterday, and we celebrated over the weekend with a party at my sister's house.  In his first year of existence, Caedan has transformed from being similar in size (and activity level) to a Chipotle burrito--
My sister is a pretty mom

--to a real, honest-to-gosh human with a personality.

Riding into the wall
Maybe it's because he is the first human baby that I have been able to observe closely over an extended period of time, but even after seeing him every week for the past year I still do not entirely get where all this little person-ness came from.  I am fairly certain there is a significant amount of magic involved.  I mean, there was a time in my very recent memory when this kid did not even understand what his own hand was, and had to be protected from his own fingernails--how did that same kid figure out how to take said hand, pick up a pretend phone, and say, "Hellllllllloooooo" into it?!  If I was still learning at that speed, I could probably cure cancer on my lunch break tomorrow.

Hit him up on his cell

Anyway, I put up some birthday pics of the neph here, including shots of the awesome present I got him.  I had Etsy seller CrashCanStudio custom-make him the most awesome stuffed felt electric guitar.

Rock star

Also up on Flickr: pics from Matt's 26th birthday, and a couple shots of Pancake's dog park outing with his BFF (and obedience classmate) Tucker.


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After looking at Crash Can Studio's website, I recognize the fortune cookies(I think I made these as favors at Kelly's baby shower) and the flower in the banner(Christmas Poinsettia napkin ring holders) as stuff I've made before.


Kelly and I have been telling you to open a shop!


These are adorable pictures of your nephew, but I think you should do a post of him like the Grammys one where you make fun of what he's wearing.


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