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Sunday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Pancake the Sailor Man

This Week In Internet: Pluto, Potatoes, and Principals

This potato is so sad!

Also sad: Pluto.  Still.

How long could you survive after kicking a bear in the balls?
  My result: 20 seconds.  That sounds generous.

40 Fantastic Time-Wasting Websites

It is good to know that spleens are finally getting some respect.

Movie posters for minimalists.

Five snacks that are shaped like the universe

Finally, a link for those who enjoy astronaut butt molds.

The 10 Best TV Principals in History

Fave T-shirt of the week.


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James Buchanan

24 seconds which means you would totez be the dead one in a bear attack situation

Laurel Kornfeld

Pluto is a planet. There is no need to blindly accept the controversial IAU demotion, done by only four percent of its members, most of whom are not planetary scientists. Hundreds of professional astronomers led by New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern signed a formal petition rejecting the IAU decision and continue to refer to Pluto as a planet. How about doing what they are, keeping Pluto and just ignoring the IAU.

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