Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Lounging on the Couch (Part One in a Two-Part Series)

This Week in Internet: Haters, Henson, and Hamsters

Scientific/mathematical bad-assery of the week: Hubble captures huge exoplanet as it is slowly, scorchingly devoured by the star it orbits; scientists create a synthetic cell (!); Boltzmann equation is solved.  Well, damnnn.

Improv Everywhere's latest stunt involves Ghostbusters and the NYPL/is hilarious.

If the names Wenlock and Mandelville mean nothing to you, I suggest you get familiar with your 2012 London Olympic mascot-blobs.

The question you should be asking yourself right now is, "Why have I never sailed across a lake on a moon bounce castle?"  (And the answer is that you have not yet truly lived.)

I enjoyed this YouTube compilation of people addressing all their haters.  Until my brain melted.

The guy who created the Chipwich died this week!  Rest in peace, good sir.

This article about the catastrophic dental injuries in NHL hockey will make you crinnnnge.

Wired ran a tribute to (fellow Terp!) Jim Henson on the 20th anniversary of his death.

Something called the New York Times picks up on the hamster hotel story that LMNOP was all over, like, months ago. (thx, matt)

Because I must subconsciously have something against children with cancer, I neglected to actually link to this story when I mentioned it last week.  Here it is, and I apologize for any delay in heartwarmingness you may have experienced. 

Every country is the best at something!  This chart breaks it down.

One last thing: the Apocalypse is near.  Huggies makes fake denim diapers.


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