This Week in Internet: Minesweeper, Pancakes, and Burnt Food
May 15, 2010
Finally, a museum I could get my work into.
Minesweeper: the Movie. Best viewed from a couch with these minesweeper pillows, methinks.
10 Amazing Slow Motion Bird Videos. Birds are crazy.
Dog videos of the week: Lazy Dog Rides Turtle and Techno Dancing Dog.
So much easier: a great blueberry infomercial for people who are sick of the hassle of picking up a package of blueberries at the store.
You must see these awesome pancakes. Mandatory.
Jupiter lost a belt, but don't worry--it'll be back.
12 Things the World Should Toss Out.
Oh--and here's your adorable, tear-jerking, "boy with cancer gets to be a superhero" story of the week. (Very cute--thx Mayor)
ummmmm you didn't link to the tear jerking story and i need to read it because step mom isn't on
Posted by: James Buchanan | May 16, 2010 at 07:54 AM