Funny; This Is Exactly How I Start My Day
This Week in Internet: Haters, Henson, and Hamsters


Yesterday was my birthday, making me 27.  The day was great, except for when I Googled "27 years old" and the first result was about dying at the age of 27.  I could have done without that.  But that's what I get for continuing to use Google to try and make sense of all major life events.

Anyway.  My friends and family were kind enough to ensure that I had cakes and cupcakes to eat pretty much continuously for several days leading up to my birthday.  The first cake was made by my dear pal Caitlar:  IMAG0074Since I love board games, she frosted it to look like a Trivial Pursuit piece.  Great, right?  And the inside was Funfetti, also known as Take That, Sliced Bread, I'm the Best Shit Ever cake.  My thanks go out to her, my other friends, my family, and pretty much everyone/everything but the first Google search result for "27 years old."


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Aw, happy birthday! I don't even remember 27. So I guess I'm proof that you can life well past it.

the mayor

Don't worry about that club - it's only for the musically talented. So, if you're good at music, watch out. I have zero musical talent - 28 here I come!


hahaha--you make a good point, mayor.  thank god i am not musically talented in the slightest.

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