Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Playdate with Oliver
Jul 09, 2011
This is Oliver.
This is Pancake playing with Oliver. (Oliver is a miniature Australian Shepherd. He spent about two-and-a-half hours just chasing Pancake in circles. He was basically just herding Pancake, over and over again. It was awesome.)
This is Pancake the next day, with what I think is basically the dog equivalent of a hangover.
Awww! Oliver is available for more herding whenever you need him!
Posted by: Sherylls | Jul 10, 2011 at 02:27 PM
Is Oliver a pup, or a full grown adult?
Posted by: PALGOLAK | Jul 14, 2011 at 03:56 PM
10 months, so still a puppy but not gonna grow too much more, I don't think.
Posted by: Lauren | Jul 14, 2011 at 09:21 PM