Just Doing Some Internet Shopping
Jan 12, 2012
I like browsing the Hammacher Schlemmer site on occasion, mostly because it makes me feel like a crazy eccentric evil millionaire villain picking up a few new things for the ol' lair. If you don't know what I mean, check out their Unexpected section post-haste. You will find, among other things:
A $25,000 "Power Nap Capsule" with a larger-than-king-size mattress made of "supple calfskin leather and 6"-thick cold foam." I assume it also has a panel that allows you to pre-set the content of your dreams by adjusting levers labeled World Domination, Jetski Escapes, I Can Fly, and Hairless Cats Love Me.
A $65,000 "Emotive Robotic Avatar" that expresses five emotions. I did the math. That is $13,000 per emotion.
A $17,000 60 MPH Hovercraft, which seats two and might just be the best deal on the site. I mean, it barely costs more than one of your pet robot's smiles, and it is a HOVERCRAFT that HOVERS and that is AWESOME.
Anyway. The real point of this post is to point out some curious economics at play elsewhere on the site. Let's take a look at two big ticket items that are also available:
1. A Flying Car
This is clearly the most awesome thing ever. Please read the entire description and watch the video so you can see/hear the "lifelike reactions and fortissimo bellowing" for yourself.
I'd like the hovercraft for the beach house. Would you get me one for my birthday?
Posted by: Mom | Jan 12, 2012 at 02:10 PM
you got it, B
Posted by: Lauren | Jan 12, 2012 at 02:11 PM
Great post! Thanks a lot.
Posted by: buy cheap essays | Jan 13, 2012 at 08:26 AM
Let the record show that I cracked up at "Fortissimo bellowing contest." I'm even laughing as I type it. Nicely done.
Posted by: Matt | Jan 17, 2012 at 11:22 AM